Jacob Wylie
Understanding Media
One big thing we discussed early this semester was copyright, the various forms of copyright, and its usage. Primarily the focus was identifying copyrighted images, videos, products, etc... and how to avoid using them without expressed permission.
Public Domain
On the other hand, we talked a LOT about the public domain and how to use it. Dr. Nichols compiled a list of amazing public domain sites to explore and use in various assignments. Pixabay, Mixit, and Pexels are some of my personal favorites when it comes to various, free-to-use images. I even used those websites for the images in this defense presentation.
Privacy and Security
We didn't talk about this too much this semester; however last semester we talked a lot about privacy and the current lack thereof on the Internet. Youtube tracking watch history, google tracking location, and Facebook tracking what ads you interact with are just some of the examples. It seems like one key focus is that there is an exchange between the internet and people, information = convenience. You can allow these apps to track various things, which they then gain information to and make your life easier, or if you hold back information you can retain that information, but technology can't help that much.